Saturday, December 17, 2011

Nerd Bingo

I was off work yesterday and while the day proved to not be very productive, it did fall into my other goal categories of happiness, health and newness.

My happiness of the day started from helping a good friend of who recently injured himself. While his girlfriend is away for work, he needs a little help getting around.  I picked him up and helped him through the grocery store so he could wait out the last few days at home until his lady arrives. Yeah, I'm the nurturer type who gets happy from "mothering". 

Then it was off to Sister's house for a lazy fest while watching a marathon of one of our favorite shows.  I did say yesterday was not very productive.  Although most would not conjure up images of health while consuming an entire jar of Queso Dip in our jammies with the curtains shut, it most certainly was.  In the mental sense.  You see, my sister is one of the most amazing and wonderful people on Earth.  Just being in her presence, let alone her home, makes me feel relaxed and recharged.  I often nod off to sleep on her couch because I can finally just chill.  Spending the day with Sister is just what I needed to tune out this hyperactive mind for a while.

*On the health note, yesterday also marked my 6 month anniversary off the dreadful cigarettes!  Over that time, I feel I racked up more than enough Health Karma to entitle me to sit on my indulgent ass for a day.  Yay me!

Eventually, Sister and I emerged from our cave to attend a friend's birthday party in a neighboring city.  At a bar I'd never been to.  Full of people.  Most of whom, I had never met.  Newness!  It was a complete blast and restored my faith in trying new things.  Baby steps.  These next 400 days could prove interesting if I keep this up.

1 comment:

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