Friday, December 16, 2011

Introducing The Writer

So I left out one minor detail when I said today (or yesterday, at this hour) was uneventful. That was intentional as The Writer (or future-demon) deserves his own post away from those demons.  
I got a text from The Writer this afternoon, inviting me out.  I had to decline as I already had plans - that were later canceled, of course.
A text from The Writer is a bit of an event.  Enough to put a smile on my face, at least.
We met via OKCupid and mutual friends.  So far I find him smart, funny, sarcastic, polite, well educated and handsome. 
  • 1st date  - Quick cup of coffee.  Enjoyable conversation.
  • 2nd date - Movie and a beer.  More enjoyable conversation.  First kiss.
  • 3rd date - Happening this Saturday.  We'll see.  Too early to determine his intentions with me.  Exciting anyway.

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