Friday, June 22, 2012


I am fried to a crisp. My brain is on cruise control, yet stuck in turbo. Since having a blowout with Phoenix, a fucking tree landing on my car, and work being absolute mayhem, I have barely been able to sleep. Let alone do my laundry, dishes, or grocery shopping like a responsible and functioning member of society. And to think I had a hot new suitor follow me home from the bar last weekend: Gross.

My brain is far too engrossed in money, rental cars, work, needing to make more money, lack of getting laid, and for fuck's sake - men, to completely nurture my inner needs. So I am taking a hiatus this weekend. I am in the middle of a 10 day work stretch with my only day off being this coming Sunday. Rather than celebrating my Friday and Saturday nights with the usual IPA and Patron, I am staging a sit-in at my apartment. I will clean, like actually clean: sweep, mop, dust, vacuum, organize... I will also finish the Hunger Games trilogy so I can finally say I read them all. I will shop for nourishing food and feed myself wholesome meals and not tostada shells with BBQ sauce. I may even get a little exercise this weekend. Then again, that may be a little ambitious as the forecast is calling for triple digits in my locale this weekend.

So it might be, I have to ignore some people I love but I desperately have to hit the reset button on my being this weekend. Even if it is just enough to get me through the second half of my long work stretch. A little detox on my mind, body, and home so to speak. The only thing that could derail this plan would be a call from the hot new suitor (Still thinking of an alias for him...). I have yet to hear from him about making plans for our "proper, sober date". I am not quite sure how I feel about not hearing from him. On one hand, I feel that a man will get in touch with a woman he wants to see. On the other, I feel like I should give him the benefit of the doubt. It has only been 6 days since I saw him. And when we discussed potential timing of said date, he mentioned a handful of activities he already has going on this week. Patience, Grasshopper...

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